Evelinn Trouble: Warface
Ja zum Verbot von Kriegsmaterial-Exporten am 29. November!
Warface als mp3
Originalversion (5:33) (6.1 MB)
Das sagen die Beteiligten
"Dass ich als einzige überlebe, hat seinen Grund: Im Krieg sind Rüstungsfirmen die einzigen Profiteure."
Evelinn Trouble
"Die Ruinen des Hardturm-Stadions waren die ideale Kulisse. Sie sehen aus wie ein Kriegsschauplatz - und liegen doch mitten in Zürich. Das widerspiegelt wiederum die Aussage des Songs: Der Krieg hat mehr mit uns zu tun, als uns lieb sein kann."
Benjamin Weiss, Mattogrosso Entertainment, Regisseur
"Es ist mir ein Anliegen, das Geschäft mit dem Krieg musikalisch zu thematisieren, denn die Schweiz mischt da schon lange mit."
Evelinn Trouble
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Bilder vom Videodreh
Die gleichen Bilder in hoher Auflösung: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Warface: Lyrics
Hello my name is warface, i don't shoot but i do get to kill in a way
I've turned my back on all my mom used to say
Said "brush your teeth before you go to sleep and don't hurt anybody"
In this world there is a lot of money to make
That's why dentists like bad teeth and doctors like heartaches
In this world there are a lot of hearts to break
And when it comes to breaking we all know what is at stake
Hold on, broken hearts have paved this street
Hold on, a solid ground for solid feet
Hold on, guns be guns and fools be fools
Hold on, when it comes to trial i didn't ever shoot
Hold on, i'm not an assasin i don't kill
I just send them death and then i send them the bill
Hello my name is Warface...
In this world there is a lot of water to waste
Minefields and memories that need to be washed away
Once you swallowed a tear you remember the taste
And when it comes to salty we all know what is at stake
Hold on, there's a pandemia in this town
Hold on, no one can tell where it came from
Hold on, there's a red cross on almost every house
Hold on, and every day new dead are being brought out
Hold on, now who's to blame for this catastrohpe
Hold on, you can point at the sky but you cannot point at me
I'm not an assasin i don't kill,
I just send them death and then i send them the bill
Hello my name is Warface...
In this world there are a lot of lives to love
The sum of all your dreams it is a generous gift
This is mine and i don't pay for my freedom
I, me, mine and i don't pay for my freedom
(someone else does)
Hello my name is Warface...
Für Radios
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